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Search date: 29-01-2019 Return to current date: Click here

Abe vows Kim meeting to 'break mutual distrust'

TOKYO, Jan 28 (Agencies): Japan's prime minister vowed on Monday to "break the shell of mutual distrust" with North Korea by meeting leader Kim Jong Un face-to-face and restoring diplomatic relations between the two historic foes.In a major policy speech to mark the opening of parliament, Shinzo Abe also vowed...

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US warns Venezuela against any threats

NEW YORK, Jan 28 (BBC): The US has warned Venezuela that any threats against American diplomats or opposition leader Juan Guaidó will be met with "a significant response".National Security Adviser John Bolton said any such "intimidation" would be "a grave assault on the rule of law".His warning comes days after...

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China police smash 6,900 mafia-style groups

BEIJING, Jan 28 (Xinhua): Chinese police have busted 6,885 mafia-style groups since a major campaign against gang crime was launched nationwide about a year ago, official figures showed on Monday.During the period, police cracked 79,270 criminal cases, seized 851 guns, and sealed assets worth of 62.1 billion yuan (9.23 billion...

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Johnson asks May to ditch Irish backstop

LONDON, Jan 28 (Reuters): The most prominent Brexit campaigner in Prime Minister Theresa May's Conservative party said on Monday that she would get widespread support if she got the European Union to ditch the Irish backstop.With less than nine weeks until the United Kingdom is due by law to leave...

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15 perish as mudslide hits hotel in Peru

LIMA, Jan 28 (AFP): An avalanche of mud and rocks crashed into a hotel during a wedding celebration in southeastern Peru, killing at least 15 people, authorities said on Sunday."The avalanche broke through the walls of the hotel, entering it with force," the mayor of the city of Abancay, where...

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Madrid cops use cranes to clear blocked road

MADRID, Jan 28 (AFP): Spanish riot police used cranes on Monday to clear a major thoroughfare in Madrid that was blocked by striking taxi drivers.The drivers have been on strike since last week to demand tighter regulations for app-based ride-hailing services like Uber.Dozens of riot police wearing crash helmets and...

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News in Brief (29-1-2019)

Pak lawyer returns home todefend Christian woman ISLAMABAD, Jan 28: The lawyer of a Pakistani Christian woman awaiting the final ruling on her fate vowed Monday he would fight the last legal hurdle for his client who had faced death threats from Islamist radicals following her acquittal in a blasphemy...

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