BRAC Bank teams up with British Council

FE Team | Published: November 25, 2022 21:49:08

BRAC Bank and British Council have signed an MoU recently to work together for the welfare of students. M Masud Rana, DMD & CFO of BRAC Bank; and Jim O'Neill, Country Exams Director of British Council; along with other officials pose at the signing ceremony.

BRAC Bank and British Council have signed an MoU recently to work together for the welfare of students from all age ranges and education mediums, says a statement.
Both the organisations will collaborate on programmes like financial literacy for school-going students, study abroad, IELTS expos, and roadshows for higher education.
BRAC Bank will run these programmes as part of its student banking service -- Agami, and promote financial inclusion and awareness among the youth.
M Masud Rana, DMD & CFO of BRAC Bank; Jim O'Neill, Country Exams Director of British Council; Sarwat Reza, Head of Business Development, Examination Services of British Council; Ekram Kabir, Head of Communications; Jabedul Alam, Head of Transaction Banking; Sarah Anam, Head of Deposits & NFB, Retail Banking; and Mehruba Reza, Head of TARA and Agami; were present at the signing ceremony.

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