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Chevron distributes warm clothes

February 26, 2019 00:00:00

Operations Director and XYZ Bangladesh Chapter Sponsor, Gary A. Orr, and PGPA Director, Ismail H. Chowdhury attended in the distribution ceremony of winter clothes

The Bangladesh chapter of Chevron's XYZ Network and Policy, Government & Public Affairs (PGPA) department has collaborated on a winter clothing collection drive.

Cash donations from employees of Chevron's Dhaka office and three gas fields of Bibiyana, Jalalabad and Moulavi Bazar and cash contribution from PGPA were used to purchase around 1300 blankets.

These blankets, along with voluntary donations of assorted winter clothes, were distributed at separate events amongst underprivileged communities in Dhaka, and near Chevron's three gas-fields. 'XYZ' is an employee network whose stated mission is "to connect, develop and inspire Chevron's next generation through innovative opportunities….to ensure the future success of the corporation." Employee-driven community engagement is one of several areas in which XYZ members are involved throughout the year.

The distribution drive was kicked off at an event held at a local government primary school adjacent to the Bibiyana Gas Plant, Habiganj. Operations Director and XYZ Bangladesh Chapter Sponsor, Gary A. Orr, and PGPA Director, Ismail H. Chowdhury attended as chief guests. In attendance as special guests were senior staff from the Bibiyana Gas Plant; Inathganj Union Parishad Chairman, Md. Bazlur Rashid, and other social and political elites of the area.

At a separate event in Dhaka, held in partnership with Dhaka Ladies Club, blankets were distributed amongst 300 underprivileged students of Kushum Koli School. In attendance were Mr. Ismail Chowdhury; Chevron's Base Business Manager, Shahid Shamsu; President of Dhaka Ladies Club, Ms. Mahbuba Kabir Rumjhum; Social Welfare Secretary of the Club, Ms. Fyzun Nessa Muna. Mr. Chowdhury spoke about Chevron's initiatives in livelihood development, education and health that impact the lives of thousands of people that reside near its operations. He also acknowledged Chevron's employees for their personal contributions towards this distribution drive.

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