G100, Green Delta Ins host seminar
November 24, 2022 00:00:00
G100 and Green Delta Insurance jointly hosted a seminar on Shastho Shurokkha Kormoshuchi (SSK), the government's flagship project, in the city on Tuesday.
As part of the G100-Bangladesh Meetings, a seminar on Shastho Shurokkha Kormoshuchi (SSK), the government's flagship project designed to ensure universal health coverage, was jointly hosted by G100 and Green Delta Insurance on Tuesday, says a press release.
G100 is an empowered group of 100 women leaders from across the world.
Dr. Enamul Haque, Director General of Health Economics Unit (HEU) under Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, was present as the chief guest, and Dr. Syeda Naushin Parnini, Director of Research at Health Economic Unit, as the keynote speaker.
G100 Founder and President Dr Harbeen Arora Rai and G100 Global Chair of Healthcare & Wellness Farzanah Chowdhury were also present at the seminar.
Healthcare sector is one of the most important domains that impacts the entire global population and is closely linked to the development of any country. Thus, the importance of healthcare and wellness has received increased attention over the last decade, especially in developing nations.
In this aspect, Bangladesh has made remarkable progress in the last 20 years in improving the lives of women and girls. SSK project is a glaring example of the progress Bangladesh has made in improving the healthcare infrastructure and ensuring universal healthcare of marginal people.
SSK is a dream project of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for the population living below poverty line. The World Health Organization (WHO) has brought a concept titled "Universal Health Coverage (UHC)" to ensure healthcare for everyone, regardless of their social status. The government of Bangladesh has also taken up the challenge to achieve UHC by the year 2032 through implementing Shastho Shurokhkha Kormoshuchi (SSK) project.
SSK pilot programme was launched at Kalihati upazila of Tangail district on March 24 in 2016 and at Modhupur and Ghatail upazila later on September 14 in 2017.
Now, the SSK project is being expanded in eight other upazila along with Tangail Sadar district.