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ICAB confce on 'Financial Reporting Act 2015 today

August 23, 2020 00:00:00

A Virtual Members' Conference on 'Financial Reporting Act 2015 - Roles and Responsibilities of Professional Accountants', arranged by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB) will be held today (Sunday) through ZOOM App.

Mr. C.Q.K. Mustaq Ahmed, Former Chairman, Financial Reporting Council of Bangladesh will grace the Conference as the Chief Guest.

Mr. Muhammad Farooq FCA, President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB) will deliver the welcome address and shall moderate the Members' Conference.

Mr. Mahbub Ahmed Siddique FCA, Director Technical-ICAB will present the keynote paper of the Conference.

Md. Sayeed Ahmed, FCA, ACMA, CGMA, Executive Director, Audit Practice Review, Financial Reporting Council of Bangladesh; Mr. Mohammad Mohiuddin Ahmed FCA, ACA (England and Wales), Executive Director, Financial Report Monitoring, Financial Reporting Council of Bangladesh; and Mr. M Anwarul Karim FCA, CPA (USA), CFE, Executive Director, Standard Setting, Financial Reporting Council of Bangladesh, will join the conference as Panel Speakers to share their views on the keynote paper of the Conference.

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