Mercantile Bank launched four sub-branches on Sunday. Vice Chairman of the bank ASM Feroz Alam virtually inaugurated the sub-branches as the chief guest. Four sub-branches are Mirpur Section-6 sub-branch and Monipuripara sub-branch in Dhaka, Steel Mill sub-branch in Chattagram and Raipura sub-branch in Narsingdi. Managing Director & CEO of the bank Md. Quamrul Islam Chowdhury opened the banking activities of four sub-branches virtually by cutting ribbon in a ceremony arranged at the head office of the bank. Md. Anwarul Haq, vice chairman, and M A Khan Belal, chairman, Mercantile Bank Securities Ltd, joined the programme virtually as special guests. Mati Ul Hasan, additional managing director of the bank, gave his vote of thanks.
Mercantile Bank launched four sub-branches
FE Team | Published: October 30, 2023 00:04:52
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