NRBC Bank launched microfinance-based partnership banking services with SKS Foundation
November 19, 2021 00:00:00
NRBC Bank Limited launched its microfinance-based partnership banking services with SKS Foundation to provide banking services to the marginalized people of 14 locations of the country. S M Parvez Tamal, Chairman of the bank, inaugurated the services as the chief guest through a videoconference on Thursday. Rasel Ahmed Liton, Executive Director of SKS Foundation, Kazi Md. Talha, Additional Managing Director, Harunur Rashid, DMD and CFO, Kabir Ahmed, DMD, Major (retd) Pervez Hossain, Head of Support Services and Branches Division, Romjan Ali Bhuiyan, Micro Finance Department of the bank, joined the ceremony through a videoconference.