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Rakibul Karim new DMD of Guardian Life

January 05, 2021 00:00:00

Sheikh Rakibul Karim

Guardian Life Insurance Limited announced the promotion of the company's current CFO Sheikh Rakibul Karim, FCA to the position of DMD. He will also take charge as the Acting Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company, said a statement.

Guardian Life has always been a strong proponent of dynamism and innovation. Hence, the recent changes have been made to the top management team to optimize the company's overall function and business growth considering the vision of the company in 2021 and onwards.

Sheikh Rakibul Karim is a fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB), qualified in 2006 from KPMG Bangladesh under ICAB.

He has over 22 years of total management experience and 18 years of cumulative experience in Senior Financial Management roles at highly acclaimed companies like Grameenphone, Banglalink and KPMG.

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