Saif Ullah Kowchar new DMD of City Bank

FE Team | Published: September 16, 2023 22:10:16

Saif Ullah Kowchar new DMD of City Bank

City Bank has recently added another deputy managing director in its top management.
A K M Saif Ullah Kowchar, who was head of internal control & compliance, has been promoted to the position of DMD by the bank's board last week. He worked as a senior executive vice president of the same bank prior to this.
Saif joined City Bank in 2019 and made significant contributions to establishing a robust Risk-Based Internal Audit (RBIA) culture in the bank.
Saif has more than 22 years of multifunctional and multi-geographic experience, working for Citibank N.A. (Bangladesh and the Philippines), Pacific BD Telecom Ltd and KPMG (Bangladesh and Qatar) prior to joining City Bank.
Saif is a fellow chartered accountant of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB) and an associate chartered accountant of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).

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