Sea Natural Food Ltd., a sister concern of Rangs Group, launched frozen seafood "ROJA" which is a ready to fry and eat item
October 12, 2019 00:00:00
Sea Natural Food Ltd., a sister concern of Rangs Group, launched frozen seafood "ROJA" which is a ready to fry and eat item. Joya Ahmed Kabir, Chairperson, Amiran Hossain, Director, Makame Mahmud, Director, T.D. Packir, CEO, Helal U Chowdhury, GM, of Sea Natural Food Ltd., and Almas Kabir (7th from left), President, BASIS, were present at the launching ceremony at Unimart and Meena Bazar in the city on Thursday. From now, ROJA will be available at Unimart, Meena Bazar, Agora, Shwapno and Lavender Chain Stores