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Workplace accidents kill 475 in six months: SRS

FE REPORT | July 02, 2024 00:00:00

Death toll from workplace accidents increased during first six months of the current year than that of the corresponding period of the last year, according to data compiled by a nongovernment organisation.

Some 475 people died in 420 accidents at workplaces across the country during the January-June period of this year while 389 workers died in 287 accidents in the first six months of the previous year.

A non-government organisation named Safety and Rights Society (SRS) prepared the data based on news reports published in various newspapers, says a press release.

An analysis of available data reveals that highest 250 workers were killed in 227 accidents in the transport sector.

Accidents claimed lives of some 74 workers in the service sectors including workshops, gas, electricity supply establishments.

The SRS data also revealed that the death toll included 66 in the agricultural sector, 52 in the construction sector and 33 in factories and other manufacturing units. Around 310 workers from transport and other sectors died in road accidents on way to and from workplaces while 52 were electrocuted and 51 died from lighting strikes while on professional duties.

Among others, 23 died falling off from scaffolds or high places, 15 died being hit or crushed under heavy objects, eight died getting exposed to chemicals or toxic gases in septic tanks or water tanks, six drowned and three died in fire incidents and explosions.

According to the data, the main causes behind the transport accidents in the last six months include unregulated transport systems, lack of proper law enforcement, reckless traffic, and inefficient driving. Electrical accidents often took place for connecting electric lines without taking safety measures, turning on motors with wet hands, working under overhead power lines, and lifting iron rods by electric cables running alongside buildings.

Additionally, some accidents occurred due to non-use of personal protective equipment.

Releasing the survey data, SRS Executive Director Sekender Ali Mina said the surge in deaths due to workplace-related accidents is unacceptable. He emphasised that supervision by the authorities concerned must be increased to control workplace accidents, especially in the transport, service, agriculture, construction, and manufacturing sectors.

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