German consumer mood clouds over in July

FE Team | Published: June 26, 2019 22:47:26

German consumer mood clouds over in July

FRANKFURT AM MAIN, June 26 (AFP): Germans' view of the economy heading into July has darkened, a regular poll published Wednesday found, as global trade conflicts weigh on hopes for a continuing job boom.
Pollsters GfK said their forward-looking consumer confidence barometer fell 0.3 points compared with June, to 9.8.
The survey of around 2,000 people looks at expectations for economic activity and salaries, as well as their openness to making purchases.
For July, consumers' view of the prospects for the whole economy ended a slide that began in 2018 with a slight increase, but remained at "a comparatively low level," GfK said.
Readiness to buy also increased, but salary expectations "suffered a bitter blow," the pollsters found.
"The number of voices speaking of an end to the employment boom is multiplying, and in consequence many workers' fear of losing their jobs has grown," GfK said.

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