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Global regulators propose tougher scrutiny of voluntary carbon markets

December 04, 2023 00:00:00

LONDON, Dec 3 (Reuters): A global securities watchdog proposed 21 safety measures on Sunday to improve integrity, transparency and enforcement in voluntary carbon markets (VCMs) in a sector of growing importance to efforts to combat climate change.

IOSCO, which groups market watchdogs from Asia, Europe, Latin America and the United States, launched a 90-day public consultation on a set of good practices for national regulators to apply.

"VCMs have gained significant importance in recent years. But for these markets to succeed, they need integrity - both environmental and financial," Rodrigo Buenaventura, chair of IOSCO's sustainable finance taskforce, told an event at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai on Sunday.

The two weeks of UN talks, which began on Nov. 30, are addressing debate over whether ending the use of fossil fuels in the first place should be prioritised over promoting technologies that can capture emissions. VCMs cover pollution-reducing projects, such as reforestation, renewable energy, biogas and solar power, that generate carbon credits companies buy to offset their emissions and meet net-zero targets.

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