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Regional ties for rural dev in Asia-Pacific region in focus

August 27, 2020 00:00:00

Dr. Masudal Hoq Chowdhury, Additional Director General, BARD, is delivering his speech as Special Guest at the inaugural session of the international seminar on "Rural Development in Asia-Pacific Region.

The inaugural session of the international seminar on "Rural Development in Asia Pacific Region - with Special reference to North East India and its Bordering countries" was held online recently due to the Covid-19 pandemic, says a statement.

National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRD&PR), North Eastern Regional Centre, India is organising the international seminar jointly with Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development, Comilla, Bangladesh in collaboration with Centre for Studies on Bangladesh and Myanmar, Dibrugarh University, India; College of Natural Resource, Royal University Bhutan; Department of Development Studies, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh and Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh, India. Academicians, policymakers, practitioners from five neighbouring countries of North East India and from all the states of India will present 154 papers at the seminar that will run until August 28.

In the beginning, Prof. R.M.Pant, Director, North Eastern Regional Centre, Guwahati welcomed all the academicians, university scholars and other participants to this august gathering on the virtual platform.

Dr. Jayanta Choudhury, Associate Professor, NIRDPR-NERC and Seminar Convener highlighted the objectives of the seminar informed that Asia and the Pacific is home to about 70 per cent of the world's rural population and therefore emphasised more regional collaboration and cooperation among academic institutions, civil society organisers and governments.

Dr. Phanchung, Director, Research and External Relations (DRER), Royal University of Bhutan argued for technological interventions as need of the hour for the better quality of life in rural areas.

Dr. Masudal Hoq Chowdhury, Additional Director General, Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), Cumilla, briefed the participants about significance of BARD in organising international consultancy research for upliftment of the rural poor and their well-being through guiding academic and research scholars for identifying the innovative avenues for rural ecosystem. He also shared the experiences of Cumilla Model, Comprehensive Village Development Programme (CVDP) and the concept of 'My House My Farm' as a poverty alleviation programme.

Chief Guest of the inaugural programme Prof. Dr. Md. Giashuddin Miah, Vice Chancellor, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman Agricultural University (BBSMR), Bangladesh in his address focused on the rural development processes which enable rural life in economic development.

Dr. V. Suresh Babu put vote of thanks with an expectation that the participants will get few policy strategies and way forward for addressing the common issues of rural development among the neighbouring countries.

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