Smart investment services essential for dev: BIDA EC

FE Team | Published: May 24, 2024 21:09:48

A day-long workshop was organised by BIDA under the chairmanship of Chattogram Divisional Commissioner Md Tofail Islam in Chattogram on Thursday.

Smart investment services held the key to building a developed Bangladesh, stated Lokman Hossain Miah, Executive Chairman (Senior Secretary) of the Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA), at a day-long workshop organised by BIDA under the chairmanship of Chattogram Divisional Commissioner Md. Tofail Islam in Chattogram on Thursday.
The workshop showcased the BIDA's One Stop Service (OSS) platform, designed as a single point of entry for business investors and entrepreneurs in the Chattogram region, says a press release.
The platform aims to streamline the investment process by offering 123 online-based services, eliminating the need for investors to visit 39 different institutions. Documents need to be submitted only once, making the process efficient and transparent.
In his address as the chief guest, Mr. Miah emphasised the significant advancements under the leadership of the Prime Minister. The per capita income rose from $700 a century ago to $2784 today, he added. He reiterated the government's vision of building a middle-income country by 2031 and a developed Bangladesh by 2041. Mr. Miah also highlighted the provision of on-arrival visas to foreign investors within 6 to 12 hours as part of their commitment to providing fast and transparent services.
He urged investors to enjoy smart investment services and contribute to the nation's development. During the workshop, Mr. Miah engaged with business investors and entrepreneurs from the region, addressing their investment-related issues and taking their advice.
Dr. Khandoker Azizul Islam, BIDA Executive Member and Secretary, spoke as a special guest, assuring that BIDA OSS would be found user-friendly. He warned against third-party intermediaries who might misguide investors for their own benefit.
Mr. Omar Hajjaz, President of the Chattogram Chamber of Commerce and Industries, also spoke at the workshop, presenting various policy reforms and suggestions and discussing investment possibilities and limitations on behalf of Chattogram's business community.
In his presidential speech, Divisional Commissioner Md. Tofail Islam thanked BIDA for its continuous efforts for providing investment services aimed at building a better Bangladesh through investment development.
He encouraged businessmen, investors, and entrepreneurs to utilise BIDA OSS for all types of investment services.
During the workshop, BIDA Director General Jibon Krishna Saha Roy gave an overview of the BIDA OSS and made the main presentation. Mohammad Moazzam Hossain, Chattogram Divisional Director of BIDA, delivered the welcome address.

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