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Finalising new Import Policy Order

Canada airs concern over not notifying WTO

REZAUL KARIM | June 01, 2024 00:00:00

Canada has expressed concern that Bangladesh is finalising its new Import Policy Order (2025-2028) without notifying the World Trade Organization (WTO), according to documents.

In an official letter to the Ministry of Commerce, the Canadian High Commission in Bangladesh recently requested the ministry to formally notify the WTO of the draft Import Policy Order and allow its foreign trading partners the customary 60-day comment period.

The country's current import activities are conducted by the Import Policy Order 2021-2024. The policy is valid until June 30, 2024.

The commerce ministry is now in the process of developing a new policy order for 2025-2028. To this end, it has held consultations and meetings with stakeholders and relevant agencies.

The Canadian High Commission commended the authorities for consulting with relevant ministries and local industries during the drafting stage.

The high commission said, "Canada believes the Import Policy Order will have an impact on trade and thus meets the criteria to be notified to the WTO. To ensure that Canada and other trading partners have the opportunity to review this draft regulation, we ask that Bangladesh notify the draft Import Policy Order to the WTO and allow for the usual 60-day comment period."

According to the Canadian High Commission, the products and policies covered in the Import Policy Order are quite complex and broad. They believe that feedback from international trading partners during the review process will be valuable. This feedback can help strengthen the overall policies and ensure better alignment with international standards and best practices.

Contacted for comment, Additional Secretary (IIT) of the commerce ministry Razwanur Rahman said that the ministry is currently working on the order. He added that extensive consultations with relevant stakeholders have already taken place through multiple meetings.

Regarding Canada's concerns about WTO notification, Mr Rahman said he was unaware of the specific issue.

He said the government will finalise the import policy order through necessary discussions and by meeting existing standards.

A high-level official said the new policy order looks to simplify the trade process, facilitating both import and export activities. This is particularly important because import regulations are also linked to the country's export capabilities.

The official said the policy has been drafted after years of stakeholder consultations. It focuses on addressing the upcoming challenges Bangladesh will face following its graduation from the Least Developed Country (LDC) club in 2026.

The policy, according to the official, intends to help the country navigate obstacles and a more competitive global trade environment.

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