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Minister for sustainable trade ties with China

September 17, 2019 00:00:00

Industries Minister Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun on Monday called upon the country's business community to work for developing sustainable bilateral trade ties with China, reports BSS.

"The Bangladesh-China Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCCI) has been working proactively for the betterment of bilateral trade and has been providing commendable support to the investors of both the countries," he said. The minister was speaking as the chief guest at the "Installation Ceremony of the newly elected Executive Committee of BCCCI" at a city hotel.

Textiles and Jute Minister Golam Dastagir Gazi and Economic and Commercial Counselor of the Chinese Embassy to Bangladesh Liu Zhenhua attended the event as special guests while BCCCI Chairperson Gazi Golam Murtoza presided.

The minister said Bangladesh and China have been enjoying excellent bilateral relations in every possible sphere.

He said the Awami League government, under the pragmatic leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, has taken numerous initiatives to further boost Bangladesh's economy and promote international trade and investment.

He said China is one of the major development partners of Bangladesh as it continues to provide invaluable support to Bangladesh's economic development through technical and financial assistance in different sectors.

"Currently our bilateral relations in terms of trade and investment are so strong that it has surpassed all previous record. China's US$38 billion investment in Bangladesh, in combination with $24.45 billion in bilateral assistance for infrastructure projects and $13.6 billion in joint ventures has created a new era of our strategic partnership," he added.

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