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NRBC Bank gets new MD, AMD, DMD

January 13, 2020 00:00:00

Mukhter Hossain             Kazi Md. Talha                Rabiul Islam

Md. Mukhter Hossain has recently been appointed as the Managing Director & CEO of NRB Commercial Bank Limited, said a statement.

Besides, Kazi Md. Talha has been appointed as the Additional Managing Director (AMD) of the bank as well as Head of NRBC Islamic Banking Wing `Al Amin' while Md. Rabiul Islam as the Deputy Managing Director (DMD) of the bank.

Previously, Mr. Mukhter Hossain was the Deputy Managing Director (DMD) of the bank and has made outstanding contribution to the development of the NRBC Bank.

Prior to this assignment, Mr. Kazi Md. Talha served as the DMD of the bank since 2016.

Before joining the NRBC Bank as DMD, Mr. Md. Rabiul Islam was with the National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited.

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