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RAK Ceramic claims salaries paid on time

September 09, 2024 00:00:00

"RAK Ceramics PJSC, headquartered in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE, is a multinational company with a strong reputation built over three decades. It operates in over 150 countries worldwide.

RAK Ceramics Bangladesh Ltd, is a joint stock company, listed with both Dhaka & Chittagong Stock Exchange and is a majority-owned subsidiary of RAK Ceramics PJSC.

RAK Ceramics is the only multinational tiles brand in Bangladesh and makes a significant contribution to the nation's economic and industrial development.

RAK Ceramics Bangladesh Ltd has been operating for more than 25 years in Bangladesh with no disturbance and disruption. The management-employee relationship has always been harmonious, built on a foundation of trust and respect. Unfortunately, on September 4, 2024, there was an incident when external individuals along with few misguided employees gathered outside the factory on the Dhaka-Mymensingh highway alleging overdue salaries. This allegation is not true, says the company in statement.

RAK Ceramics has always ensured timely payment of employees' salaries and has never delayed any payments. Salaries for August were paid on time. On September 4, production continued largely as scheduled, though some employees were unable to access the workplace due to the disturbances. RAK Ceramics is committed to maintaining a healthy and supportive work environment for all its employees".

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