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Search date: 03-10-2018 Return to current date: Click here

Improving infrastructure planning in developing countries

Infrastructure investment is necessary, but hardly sufficient to enable developing countries to transform their economies to achieve sustainable prosperity, according to this year's UNCTAD Trade and Development Report: Power, Platforms and the Free Trade Delusion (TDR 2018), released in late September.For various reasons, infrastructure projects in developing countries are receiving...

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Changing trends in marketing agricultural crops

History tells us that agriculture in this part of the sub-continent was based on meeting the needs of households, rather than of the market. The villages were self-sufficient; people exchanged goods and services within the village mainly on barter basis. However, with the dawn of development in infrastructure and storage...

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Crony capitalism afflicts the economy: Why and remedies

The concept of 'crony capitalism' or 'cronyism' is closely connected with the idea of rent-seeking and corruption. It incorporates both an ethical judgment and a positive description of a feature of an economic process. Crony capitalism rests on the notion of plunder and bad governance whose purpose is to divert...

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