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Search date: 04-02-2018 Return to current date: Click here

Women in labour force

Women's participation in the labour force is rising in Bangladesh. The Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) 2015-16, published in March 2017, shows that female labour force participation rate has increased to 35.6 per cent in 2015-16 compared with only 4.0 per cent in 1974. Over the same period, male labour...

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The Bitcoin threat

The extraordinary volatility of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has become a threat not just to the international financial system, but also to political order. The blockchain technology upon which cryptocurrencies are based promises a better and more secure payment method than anything seen before, and some believe that cryptocurrencies will...

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Korean peace talks - a move in the right direction

There is a great sigh of relief as North and South Korea are stepping down the ladder of escalating armed confrontation. The Winter Olympics in Pyeon Chang 2018 now offers a unique opportunity to both Koreas to deescalate tension and promote peace in the Korean Peninsula. North Korean leader Kim...

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