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Search date: 04-07-2018 Return to current date: Click here

China's innovation strategy - a critique

In his statement announcing a second round of punitive tariffs on imports from China, US President Donald Trump singled out the Chinese government's "Made in China 2025" plan as a threat to US economic growth and a clear example of "unfair" trade practices. Is there any merit to Trump's claim?...

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Incentive structure needs to be streamlined

Over the years, successive governments have been providing fiscal incentives to various business sectors. The idea behind providing incentives is to help the sectors move ahead and increase their contribution to the national economy. 'The Medium-Term Macroe-conomic Policy Statement 2018-19 to 2020-21' released last month as a part of the...

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Gently flows the Danube

Meandering through 2811 kilometres, the river Danube makes its way majestically through nine European countries providing lifeline and endless attraction for tourists. All nine countries have unwritten agreement to keep it clean, flowing and undammed. The countries have had their share of enmity in the past and differences in political...

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