Inequality: No reduction target yet
Everyone, it seems, is talking about inequality. Media outlets publish article after article on the topic. Politicians include it in their speeches and platforms. Yet, even though economists like Thomas Piketty and Joseph E. Stiglitz have proved, through meticulous research, the causal link between inequality and policy choices, politicians have...
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Rhetoric, reality, Rohingyas
Just as Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina once went into the Rohingya camps to affirm how we would curtail our consumption so those refugees could eat, she went to the Commonwealth Head of Government Meeting in London last month to further plead on behalf of the hapless million. A lot of...
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Ambitious but a milepost at least
Bhutan is the only country in the world where smoking is officially banned. Like most bans, there are slippages. In a tiny, sparsely populated country, such bans are easier to control and distribution costs in the hilly terrain are higher. Compare that with Bangladesh and, despite relatively lower population growth,...
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