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Search date: 12-02-2019 Return to current date: Click here

Ending the US stranglehold on the World Bank

Nominations opened last week for the World Bank presidency, one of the most powerful and important jobs in the international system. Many commentators have assumed that US President Donald Trump's pick for the job will be a shoo-in. But history and current geopolitical conditions suggest this may not be the...

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Malpass WB nomination: The gathering ‘American First’ storm

Not only will the World Bank (WB) select a new leader in April, but the chosen one must then work over-time to prevent increasing disillusionment among less developed countries (LDCs). Its founding trade-off will be tested: West European countries giving the United States leeway to choose the WB leader in...

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Economic growth vs environmental degradation: Bangladesh case

Among the major aims of economic policy for Bangladesh, economic growth has a high priority. Reaching the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth target has led to increased industrialisation and initiation of a number of mega-projects all at more or less the same time. Additionally, a growing population and rapidly expanding...

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