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Search date: 26-11-2018 Return to current date: Click here

For governments right and left, a season of discontent

Democratic governments are rarely popular for extended periods, and often have to scrape by with low polls, noisy demonstrations and constant pressure from the media. And though authoritarian regimes can squash dissent and muzzle the news, they too face rising discontent. These patterns aren't new, but now they happen as...

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Does election foster democracy?

Election has turned out to be the most popular instrument for changing government and thus ensuring democracy in the history of the world. Those countries which hold free and fair elections for the change of government periodically are considered democratic. On the other hand, countries that do not hold election...

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Public-private collaboration for harnessing renewable energy

Economic development requires energy. Energy powers the production process in the manufacturing industry, agriculture and services sector. It plays a crucial role in providing a better lifestyle for citizens.These imperatives have led countries to seek additional energy from hydrocarbons - coal, oil and natural gas. Such a dynamics has had...

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