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Abduction without limit

Syed Jamaluddin | May 14, 2014 00:00:00

People are now worried about frequent abductions and murders. Recovery of dead bodies after abduction continues. Abduction is spreading because the previous cases were not properly investigated and tried. The concerned families have alleged that law-enforcement agencies are involved in such incidents. People are losing confidence in the RAB (Rapid Action Battalion) and the police. Professional criminals are taking advantage of this situation and doing their activities in the name of these forces. Responsibility for curbing these crimes falls  squarely on the government. The government's image is being tarnished both at home and abroad.

The Inspector General of Police has said after Narayanganj incident of seven murders, stricter instructions have been issued to law-enforcers to arrest the abductors. But abductions have not stopped. It is essential to find out who are involved in kidnapping and in whose interest this is done. According to some civil society members, unless a properly constituted government is formed and new brand of politics begins, the present situation may not change for the better.

Using the name of the police and the RAB is a strategy of the criminals.  According to law-enforcers and human rights organisations, 30 abductions have taken place since the Narayanganj incident. Of these, five bodies have been recovered. Cases were filed with the police stations for each incident. The police was reluctant to accept such cases.

The anxiety of the people regarding abductions, murders and extra-judicial killings is increasing. From 2010 to April of the current year, 278 people have been abducted. They were abducted in the name of law-enforcement agencies. Of these, dead bodies of only 43 persons were found. There was no trace of 197. The abductors released 24 persons. Law-enforcement agencies rescued 14 individuals.

During four months of the current year, there were 87 extrajudicial killings. Political atrocities were responsible for the killing of 110 people. According to another source, 800 dead bodies were recovered from Dhaka and adjoining areas. Human rights organisations have expressed concern over abductions, murders, extrajudicial killings and deaths due to political atrocities and recovery of unknown bodies. Experts are of the opinion that law has to be applied properly to improve the situation.

The Chairman of the Human Rights Commission said that the government has to identify the culprits and try them under law. Otherwise, people will lose confidence in the system of governance. According to Ain and Salish Kendra, 66 people were abducted in 2013. Of them, five dead bodies were recovered. Six persons were released. There was no trace of 55 people. Similarly, 56 people were abducted in 2012.There was no trace of 34 persons. Abduction of Elias Ali was the most discussed event of that year.

In 2011, 59 people were abducted and 16 dead bodies were recovered. Four were released. There was no trace of 39. In 2010, 46 people were abducted. There was no trace of 33. In the first three months of 2014, the number of people abducted stood at 196.These abductions were of different kinds. Some were abducted to eliminate the opponents. Professional criminals abducted many of them. Some were held hostage by extortionists. The Inspector General of Police said cases are being investigated with seriousness.

The Chairman of the Criminology Department of the Dhaka University said enforcement of law is the need of the hour. Criminals will continue their activities unless they are punished. A collective deterrence has to be organised. According to a Professor of International Affairs of the Jahangirnagar University, the current events have damaged the image of the government. These matters have to be controlled seriously.

    Lack of the rule of law, flagrant violation of human rights violations and lack of justice have resulted in increase in abductions and murders. Politicians and civil society members have to come forward to improve the situation. Democratic environment has to be created.

A round-table was recently held in a newspaper to discuss about abductions, murders and extra-judicial killings. The following points were made during deliberations. When unfit people occupy important positions, the fall is inevitable. Inefficient people occupy the chairs. Accountability is missing everywhere. Outburst of people's anger may take place anytime.

Abduction and murder will not stop unless a democratic environment is established. Civil society and professionals have to take the lead in the emergence of an accountable government. Election must be held under a neutral system. No institution can work without the rule of law. The civil society will have to take the initiative to clean politics.

Politics is found working in the seven murder case of Narayanganj. Blame game is going on. An enquiry committee has been set up by the court. Nobody knows whether its report will be submitted. Abolition of the RAB will not solve the problem. Nothing can be expected from the politicised police.

The Narayanganj incident has to be properly investigated. Persons responsible are to be punished. Bureaucrats, professionals and civil society all are divided. Doctors, lawyers and journalists are all perverted. Administration and police have been used by the politicians for their own purposes.

Cases were withdrawn on political consideration. This should not have been done and the current situation, therefore, would not have arisen. Police is corrupt. They can be purchased. So they cannot be effective. Many cases are investigated but few report has been published. These reports are kept dumped in the Home Ministry.

Pressure has to be created on the politicians for ensuring democracy and establishing good governance. Our armed forces have earned reputation at home and abroad. But the acts of some of their members have tarnished their image.

The role of media in respect of the Narayanganj incident has been appreciated by all. The role of the police and the RAB should not be mixed up. The RAB should continue as an elite force. An acceptable election and new politics may improve the situation. The government is failing to provide security.

The High Court has ordered the government to immediately arrest the three RAB officials who were forced to retire for their alleged involvement in the abduction and killing of seven people in Narayanganj. Crimes committed by law-enforcement agents are unforgivable. They must face justice without delay.

The writer is an economist                         and columnist.                                     [email protected]

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