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Colour of money

June 13, 2007 00:00:00

DOES money have any colour as we are now a days led to believe ! I think they only have hue. Look at the taka two denomination note. It is the market leader. Torn beyond recognition, battered, beaten, defaced, scotched from end to end, drenched by sweat and soiled -- it is ubiquitious from the fat wallet to the strepsil box of the rickshaw wallas. A defiant legal tender, indeed. These ones are blackened.
The big ones are pink with very different feel and special aroma. They change their hue depending on their masters. What was the colour of the twenty some crore that was exchanged for safe conduct!
The Americans have placed their trust in God and imprinted the Greenback with their faith. How do you whiten your wealth and conscience? Donate two and a half per cent in charity, regulations not withstanding.
M.Zakiul Islam
DOHS Baridhara, Dhaka 1206

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