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Controlling price spiral of essentials during Ramadan

Matiur Rahman | March 20, 2024 12:00:00

A view of a kitchen market in Dhaka on March 11, 2024 —Xinhua Photo

Ramadan, the holy month of fasting and reflection, holds immense significance for the Muslim-majority population of Bangladesh. As families come together for prayers, iftar, and moments of spiritual contemplation, there is an accompanying surge in the demand for daily essentials. However, the economic landscape during Ramadan brings forth a set of challenges, particularly in controlling the prices of essential commodities.

Ramadan ushers in a unique economic rhythm marked by heightened consumer demand for essential commodities. Additionally, the demand for special Ramadan delicacies and fruits tends to escalate. The confluence of increased demand and consumer preferences during this period exerts pressure on the supply chain, often leading to fluctuations in prices.

The supply chain intricacies in Bangladesh pose significant challenges in maintaining stable prices during Ramadan. The journey of essential commodities from production centres to retail markets involves multiple intermediaries, each with its set of logistical and operational considerations. Factors such as transportation costs, storage facilities, and distribution networks play a pivotal role in determining the final retail prices.

Inefficiencies within the supply chain, coupled with challenges in maintaining adequate stocks, can contribute to sudden price hikes. The perishable nature of certain commodities, such as fruits and vegetables, adds a layer of complexity, as delays in transportation or inadequate storage facilities can result in wastage, affecting both supply and pricing.

The role of intermediaries in the supply chain becomes pronounced during Ramadan, influencing market dynamics and contributing to price fluctuations. Intermediaries often play a crucial role in connecting producers with retailers, facilitating the flow of goods across different stages of the supply chain. However, their involvement can sometimes lead to increased prices for consumers, as each intermediary seeks to cover their costs and secure a profit margin.

The lack of transparency in pricing mechanisms, coupled with the concentration of market power in the hands of a few, can contribute to market distortions. Efforts to streamline the supply chain and minimise the influence of intermediaries are essential for ensuring that the benefits of stable prices during Ramadan reach both producers and consumers.

The global economic landscape and international market trends also contribute to the challenges of price control during Ramadan in Bangladesh. Fluctuations in global commodity prices, particularly for items like cooking oil, sugar, and grains, can have a direct impact on the local market. The interconnectedness of the global economy means that external factors, such as geopolitical events or changes in international trade policies, can reverberate within the domestic market, creating inflationary pressures.

Governments play a critical role in addressing the challenges of price control during Ramadan. Bangladesh, in response to the unique economic dynamics of the holy month, has implemented various policy interventions and initiatives to stabilise prices and ensure affordability for consumers.

Price monitoring and enforcement mechanisms are essential components of the government's strategy. Regulatory bodies actively monitor markets to identify instances of price gouging or unfair practices. Strict penalties and legal consequences for those engaging in hoarding or manipulating prices serve as deterrents, promoting fair trade practices and market transparency.

In addition to monitoring, the government often undertakes measures to intervene directly in the market. Subsidies on essential commodities, particularly for low-income families, aim to alleviate the economic burden during Ramadan. Price stabilisation funds and strategic reserves are mechanisms through which the government can influence market dynamics, ensuring a steady supply of essential goods at affordable prices.

While policy interventions are crucial, their practical implementation and enforcement pose challenges. Ensuring that regulatory bodies have the resources, authority, and capacity to monitor markets effectively is essential. The complex nature of the supply chain, coupled with the involvement of multiple stakeholders, requires a coordinated and well-executed approach to enforcement.

Challenges also arise in striking a balance between addressing immediate price concerns and fostering sustainable market practices. Short-term interventions, such as subsidies, may provide relief during Ramadan, but a more comprehensive and systemic approach is required to address the root causes of price volatility in the long term.

Consumer awareness and empowerment form a critical pillar in addressing the challenges of price control during Ramadan. Informed consumers are better equipped to make choices that align with their economic interests. Government-led initiatives to educate consumers about fair pricing, their rights, and available support mechanisms can contribute to a more empowered and vigilant consumer base.

Civil society organisations, community leaders, and religious institutions also play a crucial role in raising awareness and fostering a sense of responsibility among consumers. Empowering communities to hold both producers and retailers accountable for fair pricing practices contributes to a more resilient and transparent market.

In the digital age, technology has emerged as a powerful tool in price monitoring and market regulation. Digital platforms and mobile applications can provide real-time information on prices, enabling consumers to make informed purchasing decisions. Governments can leverage technology to enhance monitoring capabilities, streamline regulatory processes, and improve transparency in pricing mechanisms.

Controlling the prices of daily essentials during Ramadan in Bangladesh presents a complex set of challenges rooted in economic dynamics, supply chain intricacies, and market forces. While policy interventions and government initiatives play a crucial role in stabilising prices, effective implementation and enforcement remain vital challenges.

Empowering consumers through awareness and education, fostering transparency in pricing mechanisms, and leveraging technology for enhanced monitoring are essential strategies for navigating the economic tides of Ramadan.

As Bangladesh continues its journey towards economic prosperity and social development, addressing the challenges of price control during Ramadan requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders.

By fostering collaboration, promoting fair trade practices, and prioritising the well-being of its citizens, Bangladesh can create a more resilient and inclusive economy that ensures affordability and accessibility of essential goods for all, especially during the holy month of Ramadan.

Dr Matiur Rahman is a researcher and development worker. [email protected]

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