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Costly Hilsha

July 26, 2007 00:00:00

ONLY the other thing, besides the Hilsha fish, which Bangladeshis, rather all Bengalis, here and across the border in West Bengal, find silvery is the moon. None of them could ever set feet on the moon. Why then should the silvery Hilsha be available to them at cheap prices?
Believe me, before the ban on export of the Hilsha fish became effective, I bought a pair of this fish from Dhaka's Kathal Bagan market for Tk 300. Had we not already consumed them up I could still say the pair would weigh a little more than a kg. Now, after the ban, any fish seller of the same market demands Tk 650 to 700 for a similar pair. How can I buy a Hilsha?
I would rather raise my eyes towards the sky after my evening meal and look at the silvery moon.
School teacher

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