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Examining tycoons' rule in Southeast Asia

November 10, 2007 00:00:00

Cecil Johnson
Madame Tien, wife of former Indonesian President Suharto and partner to her husband in taking kickbacks, picked up the nickname ''Madame Tien Percent'' in business circles, writes longtime South Asia watcher Joe Studwell in his fascinating new book, Asian Godfathers.
Studwell, founder of the China Economic Quarterly, inserts the Madame Tien tidbit to underscore the degree to which guanxi, a term used to suggest cozy relationships between political leaders and businesspersons in which bribes are often accepted, has long been a core element of economic and political life in Southeast Asia.
The principal beneficiaries of those relationships have been men whom Studwell calls alternatively godfathers and tycoons - a group of billionaires, descended mainly from Chinese immigrants, who since the end of World War II have dominated the economies of Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore and Hong Kong.
''A small region that, concurrently, could not boast a single nonstate corporation among the global top 500 nonetheless accounted for a third of the wealthiest two dozen people on the planet. These are the vanguard of the Asian godfathers, each with more than four billion American dollars to his name - the likes of Li Ka-shing, Robert Kuok, Dhanin Chearavanont, Liem Sioe Liong, Tan Yu and Kwek Leng Beng; behind them a phalanx of lesser tycoons, with one, two and three billion dollars of net worth,'' writes Studwell.
Most readers, lacking the benefit of Studwell's nearly 20 years of reporting in Asia, will not recognise those names and will not find them easy to remember. But Studwell has provided a cast of characters at the end of the book that includes concise profiles of all the godfathers who are prominently mentioned in his narrative and analysis.
That dramatise personae enables readers to jog their memory about the tycoons being singled out when Studwell refers to them in differing contexts in the book.
In using the term godfathers, Studwell does not mean to suggest that all of the tycoons are criminals, although much of their wealth has been accrued from shady practices. He acknowledges that some of the Asian godfathers have been involved in smuggling, including, to a limited extent, people, drugs and weapons.
''A significant minority also is involved in gambling. These activities frequently involve contact with Asia's criminal underworld - Chinese triads, Indonesian preman, and so on - and this is a fact of life that tycoons deal with. But it does not mean they are mafia bosses. Rather, most Asian organised crime inhabits a parallel, but connected, universe to that of the tycoons,'' writes Studwell.
The author reprises the political and economic history the subject countries over the last century and half. He examines the accommodations the godfathers, in most cases acting as representatives of the Chinese immigrant communities, made with ruling indigenous aristocratic elites, colonial governments, Japanese occupiers and post World War II governments.
Those arrangements, he points out, gave the tycoons monopolies in certain crucial areas of the economy that caused local populations to pay higher prices for necessities than they would had there been free trade. At the same time, he says, the tycoons enriched themselves without fostering much in the way of manufacturing for export.
The godfather domination of the Southeast Asian economies, he explains, has resulted in those countries lagging behind such North Asian countries as South Korea, Taiwan and Japan. It also has fostered an unacceptable level of poverty among the common people while the rich get richer.
That is glaringly true in Hong Kong, he says, pointing out a cognitive disconnect among Hong Kong's super rich and the realities of life among the port city's common people.
Studwell unequivocally rejects Milton Friedman's evaluation of Hong Kong as a bastion of free trade: ''Such assertions reflect a focus on Hong Kong's status as a free port with tariff- and exchange control-free international trade. But Hong Kong's domestic economy, where the godfathers operate, is a different story. It has long been a patchwork of de facto cartels.''
He lays much of the blame for the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s in the laps of the godfathers, and predicts that some of those countries, particularly the Philippines, could go the way economically of some fringe Latin American countries if they continue to do business as usual.
Asian Godfathers is not a page-turner. It borders on being a reference book. But readers who endure it to end will find the experience of plowing through it rewarding.
McClatchy News Service

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