Fate of Rajuk

FE Team | Published: July 05, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

It is horrifying to know the level of corruption that took place over the years inside the Rajdhani Unnayan Katripakkha (Rajuk). The taskforce, which is investigating corruption and irregularities inside the state agency responsible for developing the capital city, has prima facie found that only two to three of the housing companies have the agency's approval for some of their housing projects. The rest, numbering no less than 300, are carrying on their businesses illegally through bribing the Rajuk officials with hefty sums. The taskforce, which gathered primary information after 25 days of investigation, hinted that almost all Rajuk officials, from a sweeper to a director, have involvement in widespread corruption's. They all have Rajuk plots in the capital or in its outskirts either in their own names or in their relatives' names and managed to get those in lucrative areas by manipulating documents.
Other findings of the taskforce are more horrifying. The Rajuk employees including the leaders of their collective bargaining agent (CBA) did all that they can be blamed for. Allegations are there that they have managed to have unqualified people employed by Rajuk in different levels, manipulated tenders, forged cheques, seals, signs etc., and they have so far done all these using political influence.
Hardly anyone would be found to contradict the primary findings of the task force. It was well known to the majority people long before that almost all the buildings were and are being constructed illegally violating the building codes. But we could not know the level of corruption's and irregularities carried out by these people belonging to both the housing business and the Rajuk.
Both are equally responsible for making the Dhaka city vulnerable and for involvement in unbridled corruption. Now the questions are that how could these people be punished and how could Rajuk be freed from corruption to save our city from further destruction. What could be done to the builders who are equally accountable for spoiling the city?
Rawshan Ara

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