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Maintenance of public transports

November 01, 2007 00:00:00

RECKLESS driving is rampant in our country. It is particularly a very common practice, particularly among the drivers of public transports.
From a rickshawpuller to a bus or truck driver, everyone indulges in reckless driving and causes damage to either of his own vehicle or to those of others. There is hardly anyone to look into this issue.
It is found that traffic police deliberately overlook such cases. They let the drivers go without punishment. They take the accidents seriously when there is any casualty or damage caused to vehicles are of serious nature.
Sometime it is found that the owners of private vehicles also let the drivers go accepting that there would be no use of complaining to the police.
But frequent minor accidents have been responsible for disfigurement of passenger buses and cabs. The shabby condition of these vehicles is not only threat to the safety of their passengers but also depicts a poor image of the capital city.
To resolve this problem, there is a need to focus on periodical maintenance of all public transports and cleanliness of those. The government should make the proper maintenance of public transports mandatory.
Rozina Ahmed

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