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Party affiliated student politics

June 12, 2007 00:00:00

ONE of the many good things the present administration did was the step to enact necessary law banning party affiliated student politics. Everybody knows the two main party affiliated "student" political organisations in the universities and colleges are the breeding ground of terrors, extortionists and hooligans directly nurtured by the two major political parties to meet their political ambitions. These notorious groups act as the hired goon of the political parties who shift their allegiance to the party in power immediately after the election. These cadres under the disguise of students kept the entire general students under their captivity with the blessings of the respective political parties in power and nobody dared to say anything against them for fear of life. The entire university or college administration was also made helpless before their notorious activities in the campus.
We have seen how persons coming from these "student" wings to national politics indulged in looting and plundering national wealth and acquired black money by wielding muscle power after becoming an MP. In the name of student politics these political wings made the university areas a crime zone and general public did not dare entering the area after dusk. The members of these student wings were involved in tender business, kidnapping, extortion, drug peddling, trading of seat allotments in the hostels and all other criminal activities within the university areas.
What an irony of fate!
The two major political parties actively and publicly patronised and endorsed those criminal activities of their cadres and made all such activities immune to law through their evil influence. What a shame! It was, therefore, became a national demand to bring to an end to such illegal activities in the name of student politics.
Even the teachers also were induced to the unhealthy practice of party politics within the campus. Nowhere in the world, even in our neighbouring countries also, students or the teachers are used for political purposes. Vast majority of our students do not endorse such criminal activities in the campus. They want peaceful academic atmosphere where they can pursue their respective studies unhindered and thus prepare themselves for future leadership.
Student politics is welcome so long it relates to the students' welfare and such other activities relating to their studies, recreation and interests within the campus only.
I believe the present administration has the total support of the nation in curbing these illegal activities in the campus in the name of student politics under the direct evil influence of the political parties.
Mohammad Ataul Hoque

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