Policies to save trees

FE Team | Published: July 06, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

Trees give off the valuable oxygen gas which humans breathe to survive. Trees take in the harmful carbon dioxide gas. Tees are basic to our survival and good health. Besides, trees have fruits which provide us with nutrition. The timber from trees is used to make furnitures and many other wooden products. Trees are also used to make pulp which in turn is used to make paper. The fruits and seeds of some trees are used to make valuable medicines. The leaves of trees in a forest like the Sunderbans are used by common people to thatch their huts. Thus, trees have many economic uses and only some of them are mentioned here. A very big role is played by trees in keeping the environment normal. A place with many trees is likely to be pleasant one. But one without trees is likely to be arid and might suffer from soil erosion. An arid area has also less rainfall. Green trees are also soothing for the eyes. People everywhere love to see green trees which lift up their spirits.
Planting trees ought not to be a concern of the government alone. It is an endeavour to be massively participated by the people and to this end government should carry out regular publicity campaigns for creating and retaining the incentive. The more trees we plant the greater will be the economic and environmental security of Bangladesh.
But it is very important for the government to set in motion also policies to guard against the cutting down of tress. Vigilance to stop illegal use of firewood at brick kilns, extension of gas supply all over the country as a source of energy, better protection of the reserved forests, greater use of wood substitutes in furniture making, popularising of solar cookers and the like to stop burning of wood for cooking, etc., can all help to put a hard brake on the destruction of forests and to get the fuller benefits of afforestation activities.
A Z M Haider
Narsingdi, Dhaka

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