Political hilla

FE Team | Published: July 02, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

The sudden reformists of the two major political parties appear like boats drifting with tide. They also seem like jute plants that knell according the speed and direction of the winds to the ground in submission to or in a play with. If they are actually men and women of principle, as they like us all to believe now, they would have revolted against the reported wrongdoings of their two party chiefs at the time of occurrence and when they held power or yielded enormous influence. These bunches of suddenly-turned good people clung to their two lady leaders like bees in their colonies and supported their improper actions and misdoings without the slightest protests like robbers in gangs. They then used to express their total loyalty to their respective leader calling her either the leader of the country or the leader of the people.
Two sets of people maintain single standard and are unequivocal. They hold one position all the time. Among them, those who are bad in their actions and wrong in their perceptions are notorious people whom all people of sound mind always disdain and avoid. The other group consists of good people who would always do and support positive actions and resist wrongdoings. Those who are not unequivocal in their opposition to wrongdoing change their stands according to their convenience, like these visible sudden reformists. These people seem and are behaving like opportunists. Many would hate them, boycott them and would like to consign them into oblivion as opportunists are dangerous as they can spoil the future of the nation with periodic betrayals. They may again gangsters in the name of politics and thrive individually at the cost of the nation.
Now that both BNP and AL have become weak with opportunism having inspired revolt within their higher ranks, a third party comprising of new but known good faces should emerge. Reunion with the old wives after their hilla marriages only highlight that the acts of divorcing them earlier were meaningless. We may part with our past by saying goodbye to the old political leaders who have been in the arena for long. Start a new beginning with a new set of people. Let the old leaders understand that they are no more wanted.
A teacher
Chittagong University

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