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Save Ramna Park

June 25, 2007 00:00:00

ATTACKS on the environment are nothing new. Hardly a person can be found who did not afflict any damage to it. But the influential people and some quarters can be blamed more for the destruction to the nature and environment. There are innumerable examples that would show how these people have carried on their destructive activities on the environment. Recently, I noticed another example in the Ramna Park.
It has been reported earlier that significant portions of the Ramna and Suhrawardi parks have been grabbed by some of the organisations having common boundaries with these parks. The effort of one or two of them for grabbing is still continuing. It is found that these bodies have continued the effort to encroach more and more inside the park.
It seems to me that the Ramna Park could ultimately disappear unless the encroachment on its land is not stopped immediately. If any organisation is allowed to expand further, other organisations having common boundaries with the Ramna Park will also try to grab the land of the park. It is necessary to save the park because it plays a significant role in giving respite to the people for rest and recreation, as it is located at the heart of the Dhaka city. The government should take a strict measure so that no one can proceed to grab the land of the park on any excuse any more.

A green activist

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