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Slamming the door in the face of refugees

Maswood Alam Khan from Maryland, USA | November 26, 2015 00:00:00

Slamming the door on refugees: Refugees walk out of Budapest, Hungary, where the government made it clear they could pass through but could not stay

More than 250,000 people have died since the violence broke out in Syria in 2011, and at least 11 million people in the country of 22 million have fled their homes. Syrians are now the world's largest refugee population, according to the United Nations. Countries in Europe and America agreed to accept some refugees in their respective lands. Germany has agreed to accept the maximum number of refugees.

More than four million refugees have fled Syria since the war there began in 2011. According to the UN's refugee agency, almost 1.8 million have gone to Turkey, more than 600,000 to Jordan and one million to Lebanon. Germany is expected to take at least 800,000 asylum seekers this year and the figure may go up to one and a half million.

Since 2011 only 1,500 Syrian refugees have been accepted into the United States and the Obama administration announced last September that 10,000 Syrian refuges would be allowed entry into USA next year.

But, surprisingly, more than half the governors of the United States say they oppose letting Syrian refugees into their respective states. Among the 30 governors all but one are Republican governors. They oppose taking in any Syrian refugees fearing that terrorists may blend with the incoming refugees.

Authority over admitting refugees to the country, however, rests with the federal government---not with the states---though individual states can make the acceptance process much more difficult. President Obama is nevertheless determined to give refuge to Syrian refugees in accordance with his commitment.

Such publicly expressed antipathy towards refugees may not be how the Republicans believe deep down in their hearts. Antagonism against Syrian refugees, especially Muslim refugees, has emerged as a crowded field of Republican presidential candidates is fighting to win the support of Christian conservatives.

French President Francois Hollande said his country "is at war" and his military backed up his statement by pounding ISIS targets in Syria in a large scale in the form of air strikes to hit back at IS, which took 'credit' for the Paris outrage.

French jets are targeting Raqqa, the so-called 'capital' of the militant Islamic State group in Syria. The United States is also reinforcing its drone attacks on oil facilities that provide IS the funding and providing intelligence and resources to the allied forces, all determined to annihilate the terrorists as soon as possible. Russia has also launched air strikes and cruise missiles there.

Such qualms about refugees and the renewed military attacks on ISIS are very much understandable in the aftermath of the recent atrocity in Paris.

When a shocking terrorist event like the Paris attacks occurs, the attackers know, the world will respond, there will be an outpouring of solidarity and sympathy, defiant speeches by politicians, and military interventions. These predictable reactions give the perpetrators some of what they want: attention for their cause and the possibility their targets will do something that unwittingly helps advance the perpetrators' radical aims.

What happened in Paris is an untold tragedy for the victims and deeply offensive to all we hold dear, but the world leaders should respond with their heads and not just their hearts so that their actions do not help attain the goals of the terrorists.

The announcements of American governors opposing the entry of Syrian refugees came after it has been revealed that one of the suspects believed to be involved in the Paris terrorist attacks entered Europe among the waves of Syrian refugees perhaps using a Syrian passport. But Syrian passports, both stolen and forged, are popular on the black market. It is also difficult to comprehend why a terrorist should carry a passport during their terror operations. Was it a ploy to stoke global anger against Syrian refugees?

Categorising Syrian refugees as potential terrorists is wrong when at least five of the attackers have been identified as French nationals, indicating that one of the biggest dangers to French citizens is home-grown terrorism.  

As to military reaction there could not be a better way to give IS a lesson, if such intervention can ultimately defeat IS and other potential terrorists, drawing eventually a solid curtain over terrorism.

While it is a fact that many terrorists in the recent history bore Muslim names, showed Islam as their faith and even shouted "Allahu-Akbar" (Allah is great) before perpetrating a terrorist attack it is getting strenuous, however hard peace-loving Muslims may try, to convince the world that having Muslims as neighbours, guests or refugees is safe.

But slamming the door in the face of Muslim refugees is not the way of looking at humanity. That's not what American or European tradition is like. Shunning refugees cannot be the answer to terrorism. That cannot be the way to defeat ISIS either. Such measures would rather abandon ideals of the West.

Opponents of refugee resettlement in America have rightly called for more stringent security checks on Syrians to make sure they have no connections to ISIS or other terrorist groups.

Syrians or any refugee from any part of the world currently undergo a lengthy screening process that immigration authorities believe is already sufficient to uncover terrorist ties, though it is nowadays difficult to collect enough intelligence info from the war-ravaged areas in Syria about every single Syrian leaving the country for Europe.

Islam is a great religion that forbids anything harmful to humanity, millions of Muslims are working for uplifting the universal values of mankind and the terrorists bearing Muslim names are only a minuscule fragment of more than one and a half billion Muslims living on this planet. But, a single drop of lemon juice is enough to curdle a giant jar of milk. All Muslims unfortunately are paying a heavy price for the betrayal of a few radicalised people.

However, Muslims cannot afford to sit on their hands, allow the bad name the terrorists slapped on their faces to spread, and the resentment the westerners have at them to fester.

Muslims have to be united in their hatred against terrorism and the international community also needs to review its attitude towards Muslims in general.

Muslim scholars and leaders should go both offline and online and counter the ISIS propaganda, and say as loudly and clearly as possible that it is not Islamic and it does in no way represent the spirit of Islam.

Western nations should also keep in mind that ISIS actually wants to see an increase in Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hate crime so that that will increase their recruitment pool. To maintain the flow of recruits in the long term, the jihadists need to make Muslims feel more vulnerable and alienated in Western societies. That's why it's even more important for western nations to embrace their Muslim communities.

The ISIS seeks to consolidate territorial control in Syria and Iraq and then expand its so-called "caliphate" throughout the Muslim world and beyond. To do that, they want to sharpen the conflict between Muslims and others and motivate the sympathisers to join their bloodstained banner.

We cannot hope to reduce the danger from this sort of violent extremism if we do not understand and acknowledge its origins. It is now an established conclusion that there almost certainly would be no Islamic State (ISIS) today had the United States refrained from invading Iraq back in 2003.

Decades of imprudent international policies have left many people in the Arab and Islamic world genuinely angry at and resentful toward the Western countries. Those policies include the West's cosy cosseting of the Arab dictators, its blind support for Israel's ferocious policies toward the Palestinians, to name a few.

Analysts believe terrorist attacks are taking place in the world because the international community neglected Syria, neglected Iraq, neglected Yemen, neglected Libya, neglected Palestine and neglected Afghanistan.

The world cannot protect soft targets like stadiums, theatres and restaurants. The best way to protect such soft targets is to neutralise the threat, to engage Muslims who are radicalized and politicized and make sure they are not driven by this ideology. There must also be a greater will on the part of emerging powers-China and Russia-to work with the Americans and Europeans to stabilise those conflict zones. These are the crucibles from which extremist ideologies are emerging.

Mankind's challenge today is to defeat the strategy of all the terrorists---home-grown, foreign-grown or state-sponsored. First step of this challenge is not to fall into the obvious trap the terrorists like Islamic State have set. If nations buy into their vision of relentless conflicts, the world could easily act in ways that make their vision a reality. The last thing we should do is encourage anyone to see the terrorists as heroic.

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