Status of poverty alleviation

FE Team | Published: July 04, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

THE Economic and Social Council of the United Nations is said to have selected this country along with Cambodia as the models in poverty alleviation and have invited their representatives to present their success stories at its on-going ministerial level meeting in Geneva. Foreign Advisor Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury disclosed it to the media recently.
It is certainly a piece of good news for the entire nation. Poverty in this country seems to be on decline and others are appreciating it. With it, the image of the country may gradually improve. In spite of many internal problems, we are proceeding ahead. We need to keep up the march towards progress to wipe off our unpleasant past. A nation having its half in riches and half in poverty cannot be happy nor can it be secure.
Recently, another report disclosed that the per capita income and the saving nature of the people are changing for the better. A review of Bangladesh economy revealed that our per capita income stood at $520 at the end of fiscal 2006-07 and the ratio of the national saving rate and the GDP was also the highest so far at 29.15 per cent. Both statistics are encouraging us to look forward to a better future sooner than earlier expected. This trend needs to be maintained to transform our dream of a happy, prosperous and self-sufficient Bangladesh with no poverty a reality. We should be able to send poverty to the museum with a firm commitment to economic development and national well-being. We want our country to be viewed by the rest of the world as the best model for poverty alleviation.
Rashidul Amin
Tejgaon Industrial Area

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