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Take action to tame inflation

July 09, 2007 00:00:00

ARE the syndicates still alive? Such syndicates had allegedly been at the root of the agonies of millions and millions of humble consumers of essential goods across the country through their most unconscionable price manipulation activities.
The prices are still going up. Have then the syndicates physically survived the onslaught of the present government's drive against various corruptions? Are these 'syndicates' retaining their monopolistic grip over the market of essentials?
Such questions agitate public minds as the prices of essential goods in every day use have not normalised and are continuing to climb in much the same fashion as in the past with no real justifications for the same .
The participants in a recent discussion meeting in the capital city on the price situation, according to reports in the media, produced facts and figures to establish that five largest importers were holding sway over some 50 per cent of total import of essential commodities, making the market vulnerable to syndication. This situation was reportedly created by the government's inability to intervene in the market.
For the people at large, it is vitally important that effective steps, in whatever form, are taken to help bring down the prices of essentials.
Whether it is crackdown on hoarders and profiteers who are allegedly artificially pushing up prices of essential commodities or appropriate and enforceable policy support, the people are very keen to see this happen sooner than later. There is no substitute for actual hard actions in this respect both to satisfy people's expectations and need as well as for justice.
Shabbir Karim

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