The booming export market for mangoes

Jewel Rana | Published: April 11, 2023 19:37:33

The booming export market for mangoes

Mango is an important fruit in Bangladesh due to its economic, nutritional, cultural, and social significance. It provides livelihood opportunities for millions of people and contributes significantly to the country's economy.
The fruit is deeply rooted in the cultures of our country and it is considered the "king of fruits" and is celebrated with festivals and ceremonies. The unique taste, variety, long shelf life, size, and nutritional value of Bangladeshi mangoes can make them a sought-after fruit in the international market.
Mango is a highly valued fruit in many parts of the world, with a large number of countries producing and consuming this delicious fruit. For countries like Bangladesh, which are major mango producers, exporting mangoes can be a lucrative business opportunity. However, before venturing into the mango export market, it is important to research and understand the potential markets in order to maximise profits and minimise risks.
Bangladesh is currently one of the top mango-producing countries in the world, but its position in terms of mango export is relatively low compared to other major mango exporting countries like India, Pakistan, Mexico, and Thailand.
The country produced more than 25 lac Metric Tons of Mango last year while export was nearly 2 thousand Metric Tons only. The country's favourable climate, fertile soil, and long hours of sunshine provide ideal growing conditions for mangoes, resulting in high-quality fruit with a distinct sweetness and richness of flavour.
Despite the significant benefits of mango export, there are some key challenges that need to be addressed. These include the need to comply with international standards for food safety and quality, the need to improve packaging and transportation infrastructure, and also to address pests and diseases that can affect mango production and export.
Some timely initiatives have been taken to enhance mango export by the guidance of agriculture minister Dr. Md. Abdur Razzak which is expected to bring a positive change of the export scenario such as-- expanding testing facilities, modernisation of pack house, establishing vapour heat treatment facilities etc.
One of the challenges facing the export of Bangladeshi mangoes is the presence of fruit flies. These pests can damage the fruit, making it unfit for consumption and potentially spreading diseases to other crops. In order to meet SPS regulations, government agencies, producers and exporters must take measures to control the spread of fruit flies. Introduction of pest-free protocol for mango is necessary to deal with SPS challenges.
Pesticide residues in mangoes are a significant challenge for exporters. To address this challenge, mango growers and exporters need to adopt integrated pest management practices and reduce the use of pesticides. Farmers can use biopesticides and other organic methods to control pests, which can help reduce the amount of pesticide residues in mangoes resulting better compliances.
The Department of Agricultural Extension is running a project to produce exportable mango in some hotspot areas of the country which will go for safe production and extensive capacity building for producers and exporters.
Plant Quarantine Wing, DAE has already started to develop an e-traceability system for mango with the help of USDA. The traceability system helps ensure the safety and quality of mangoes by tracking the entire production process, from the orchard to the final destination. This piloting of e-traceability system can be expanded further after successful completion.
It is reported that exporters do not have appropriate knowledge on proper packaging and labelling. Mangoes must be properly packaged to protect them from damage during transit, and must be labelled with accurate information about the fruit's origin, variety, and other important details. Failure to comply with packaging and labelling requirements can result in the rejection of the fruit by importing countries. Continuous awareness programme for stakeholders may disseminate important information related to compliance issues.
In order to be exported, mangoes must be certified by the Plant Quarantine Wig of Department of Agricultural Extension, the National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) of Bangladesh, which is responsible for ensuring that the mangoes meet the necessary phytosanitary requirements. Capacity building of this organisation needs to be increased so that it can ensure scientific way of inspections, testing, complying with international phytosanitary guidelines and comprehensive certification before export. Implementing better pest control measures, and ensuring that mangoes are harvested at the right time to maximise their shelf life, post-harvest management at the production season is also very important. Field Service Wing of DAE, as it has a sufficient human resources in the field level, can take special initiatives and establish a strong monitoring system during the season.
Investment for improving the infrastructure for mango exports, including upgrading ports and shipping facilities, and building cold storage facilities to extend the shelf life of mangoes needs to be address.
Initiatives form the exporters side are also to be taken into consideration, like, searching the market for is an important step for any exporter looking to enter the global mango market. By identifying potential buyers and markets, understanding regulatory requirements, understanding the competitive landscape, and identifying potential risks and challenges, exporters can maximise their profits and minimise risks in this lucrative and competitive market. Different markets have different preferences and requirements for mangoes, including taste, quality, size, and packaging. By researching the market, exporters can identify the types of mangoes that are in demand, as well as the countries and regions where there is a high demand for mangoes.
We have to think about incorporation of modern technology in near future, to improve the production and packaging of mangoes. This may includes the use of drones technology to monitor crops and identify areas that need attention, the use of mobile apps to track mango production, ethylene scrubbing technology and the implementation of blockchain technology to improve transparency in the supply chain.
Different embassies abroad can also play a crucial role in promoting international trade and can help boost mango exports through various promotional activities, like conducting market research to identify potential buyers of mangoes in the host country. This information can help mango exporters to understand the market demand and tailor their products to meet the specific needs of the target customers. They can organise networking events that bring together mango exporters and potential buyers from the host country. These events can provide an opportunity for exporters to showcase their products, build relationships with buyers, and explore potential partnerships and help mango exporters to promote their products by providing marketing and advertising support. This could include designing brochures, creating promotional videos, and advertising in local media etc.
Thailand has been promoting its mangoes in international markets by conducting marketing campaigns and events, including product demonstration and sponsoring international food events. Social media has also been used to promote Thai mangoes, particularly in China, which is one of the largest importers of Thai mangoes.
Thailand's success in mango and fruit export is for its appropriate policies, public-private collaboration, government support, quality standards, branding, international trade agreements, innovation and technology.
Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) can help increase mango exports by facilitating trade, streamlining certification processes, ensuring consistency in standards, and promoting cooperation between countries. By reducing technical barriers to trade, an MRA can help mango exporters access new markets and increase their competitiveness in the global market. India has signed MRAs with several countries, such as Japan, South Korea, and China for mango exports. These agreements have helped them gain access to new markets and increase mango exports.
In conclusion, with the country's favourable climate, good farming practices, government initiatives, and growing demand, it is not unrealistic to expect that Bangladeshi mangoes is going to become a popular fruit globally.

Jewel Rana is Additional Deputy Director (Export), Plant Quarantine Wing, DAE.

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