Thoroughly unreliable

FE Team | Published: July 17, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

The reformists in both the Awami League and the Bangladesh Nationalist Party were all with their party chiefs even after 1.11 until it became clear to them that corruption charges against the politically powerful would be pushed ahead for illegally making money stridently by the new caretakers for purpose of accountability and cleansing politics. Neither any of them did talk about reforms until the other day nor parted his or her way with any of the party chiefs in protest against party corruption through pressure and manipulation. They loved to enjoy their shares of the booties of party corruption until it became clear to them that they must change their tactics to survive in politics.
What become increasingly evident from their current tall talks about reforms and loud criticisms of their discarded party heads are that the AL and the BNP chiefs are corrupt, arrogant and opportunists but they are fools and the reformists are corrupt, opportunists, self-serving and cunning. Their apparent moral bankruptcy has made them more unacceptable as they seem to be thoroughly unreliable. Greater manipulation by them for political survival will only reveal more ugly sides of their character to earn more intense public hatred for them.
These days some of the reformists who still hold important party positions claim that they did not know much about the corruption done by the BNP and the AL while in power. They are telling us that they are either absolute fools or dirty liars. They are not fools as they have earlier proved their manipulative skills by making their ways to important party positions by creating a false impression about their absolute loyalty to their party chiefs and thus outdid other party workers in appeasing the party chiefs, Clearly, they are horribly cunning and dirty liars.
We make an appeal to the media-TV, Radio and newspapers, not to give them positive publicity and show us the face of any of them. We hate, condemn and want to ignore and avoid them forever. Please do not help these people in rehabilitating themselves in our national politics for the sake of the country. Let them not underestimate us with their tricky conduct and cunning words.
Asim, Milon, Ayesha and Hamid
Dhaka University

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