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TV news reporting

June 14, 2007 00:00:00

THERE is no doubt that television channels have given our people a different taste about presentation of news and current national and international affairs. But having watched the news programmes of different local private channels, it seems to me that there is scope for further improvement of television reporting for avoiding viewers' monotony.
At present, people have a few options for knowing about current national affairs. So they watch the television news to know about the latest development of any ongoing event or about other incidents. But these private channels collect the same type of information and present and air those in almost the same ways. They can compete with each other in news coverage and individually explore new areas as news sources. It will ensure that no sector of the national life -- economic and social, will escape the attention of the public. Such reporting will enable the media to discharge their social responsibility squarely well and also contribute to public understanding of important issues. A true democratic society cannot evolve and function well without the enrichment of the base of public information.
Information technology and satellite communication have indeed greatly closed the gap among the people of the world. All of them get the scope now to watch news about regional and international events through reputed news channels. So viewers have developed a taste for presentation of news conforming to international standard. They want that our local channels will at least try hard to compete with them.
Rashida Ahmed

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