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Uncommon but great move

September 03, 2007 00:00:00

Bill the BIDS move to bring together former finance ministers of our country on ensuing September 6 as an arrangement to put light upon light. The meet may help identify which way would be relatively less painful for us and lead our nation to a relatively brighter goal. Call it a wise step, befitting our national institute for development studies (BIDS).
Brainstorming by past and present top men in charge of the country's financial management on future policy issues on the basis of individual and shared experiences has been uncommon in this country.
But it has always held the potentials to release a beam of light to brighten our vision for enabling us to choose a better path to the future. Why not consult accumulated wisdom, from pleasant as well as bitter experiences, when its reservoirs are available at hand?
Modern executive MBA courses, which rely more on the discussions of participant senior executives' experiences than on theoretical texts, are found more fruitful. What the BIDS has arranged can be realistically designated as a brief executive business course for finance ministers. Kudos to the BIDS.
But why should this excellent course for the exalted be held only for once, as this time the institute has arranged it to commemorate its golden jubilee?
Such a meet should be arranged quarterly every year for brainstorming to find the best solutions to the most challenging financial issues of the time. Let us benefit from and have the pleasure of witnessing the intellectual battles of our giants.

Abul Ehsan
North Road

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