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Vanishing of MH 370 into thin air: A mystery or a staged-drama?

SM Nasimul Haque | March 20, 2014 00:00:00

There are some astonishing things you\'re not being told about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the flight that simply vanished over the Gulf of Thailand with 239 people on board on March 08, 2014.

In my opinion as a retired airline pilot, the Houdini-style vanishing of the B-777 from midair with no trace of it to be found anywhere on the god-damned earth is a very costly joke. This scribe believes very firmly that the aircraft is intact and safe.

The Malaysian Airline's flight MH370 took off from Kuala Lumpur International Airport for Beijing on March 08, 2014 at 12:41 am with 239 souls on board. Soon after reaching the FIR (Flight Information Region) boundaries between Malaysia and Vietnam, from a stable flight condition, it went off from the sky leaving no trace whatsoever. This has never happened in this world of aviation except for the Emilia Earhart, which was totally a different ball game. A super mystery has been created at the cost of innocent people's lives. So far, this is one of its kinds and God alone knows the real cause of it and, of course, the writers of the story know and will possibly never open their mouths like the Philadelphia Experiment. Speculations will continue and CNN will continue to give all sorts of rubbish as if groping for plausible reasons and also employing diversifying tactics to mislead people.

In this modern era when electronic development augmenting telecommunications has reached a commendable height, backtracking on investigation into such vanishing of an aircraft into thin air or a crash is almost a bed-time story. Speculations will continue and none can be written off, unless it is full of immature, offline and rubbish. Journalists and movie makers will jump to any and every information to make a story interesting and that could be far from facts. Just look at the 9/11 incident. Dramatists threw whatever they wanted the world to believe and the world so believed. The moral of that was: "give the dog a bad name and shoot him" - the dogs being the Muslims. So we just have to wait for them, the dramatists, to be ready with their cooked up story and accept it as a fact, no matter what the truth may be. That is the order of the powerful in world politics nowadays.

By now, all those who are interested to know about this outstanding mystery, know, in a layman's language, the chronology of the Houdini trick of a vanishing act. But science and technology will definitely make it difficult for the dramatists to sell their story of falsehood.

Today's aircraft are manufactured with such precision and accuracy and by following failsafe methods that if somebody tells a kid the story of vanishing, he or she will laugh on your face and tell you to kid somewhere else. The Boeing Company has built this aircraft with the very high standard of safety in mind. Safety from all possibilities humans can think of.


a) The aircraft had ACARS (Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting system). This system, through SITA, (Socie'te' Inte'rnational De'Te'le'communications Ae'ronautiques) sends every details of the aircraft with deviations to the subscriber airlines and the MAS applies this system as a good airline. The CNN says that it sends data of turbulence or bad weather that is a bit of rubbish. It sends digital information to the originator of every aspect of the flight, any changes made to the set plan, any malfunction, change in fuel consumption, you name it. This data sending system will never fail with electrical failure as this aircraft never has electrical failure. The only way to shut it off in-flight is by pulling the circuit breakers which can be done only by the pilots, any available engineer who knows about it or an intruder who is aware of such ways (Like me, for instance, I have never flown this A/C, but I know this for sure from a friend of mine who flies the A/C, but I do not know the location of the Circuit Breakers). So, if somebody did this from within the A/C and in-flight, then the intent is very apparent.

b) The B-777 has a built-in independent Engine Health data provider that sends data to the Boeing headquarters in Seattle in the USA directly and from anywhere in the world, from the moment the engines are turned on. It is a non-stop process from the engine start till shutdown.

c) The B-777 has a black box which has an ELT (Emergency Locator Transmitter) that starts sending signals on either impact or contact with water. Till now nobody has heard the signal. The range of this transmitter will depend on the antenna position, minimum two to three hundred nautical miles. And if the aircraft has crashed in the area of 400 NM around the point of vanishing, the area has quite a high density of traffic to get the signal from the black box or the aircraft ELT. Nobody has reported of hearing anything of the sort. It only implies the aircraft has not crashed.

d) The cockpit door is bullet-proof, always is locked from inside. There is a camera to show anybody who tries to enter the cockpit. Unless the crew had consent to the drama, it is utterly impossible for any intruder to enter the cockpit.

e) The service ceiling of this aircraft is 41,000 ft. but it has been reported by the authorities that the A/C climbed to 45,000 ft. What compelled them to resort to this lie?

f) There is a dead area where radar coverage could not be provided by any on this route. The radar bleep vanished in this area, which implies that somebody turned the transponder off knowing fully well about the area. The transponder code is given by the controllers to identify the A/C, pilots just set it and turn the transponder on, and then the radar controllers know exactly where the A/C is, its speed, direction and altitude for smooth and safe flow of traffic. And this also has a range and that is why A/C is handed over to the next controller en route to maintain contact and identification. No two A/Cs will be assigned the same code on the same route. What the radar controllers see on their monitor is an 'equal to' sign (=), after the code is inserted the gap between the two lines is filled with the flight identification number. Once the transponder is switched off, the A/C does not disappear from the screen. If the controller was monitoring closely, then possibly he'd have only one such sign with a gap as there would be no other A/C in the sky at that time without a code. So, if somebody tries to justify saying the A/C vanished, that's a blatant lie. This scribe had visited the radar centre at Dallas and seen all that happens and seen there and that was back in 1977. Things must have improved since then.

g) The aircraft then turned west and abruptly, as mentioned by the authority and CNN. But nobody mentions as to what the controllers did after that. They have a list of things to follow and report. If it was on the route and with the flight plan, the question of turning west does not arise with the auto pilot on; it has to be manually overridden by a humanoid. Otherwise, the auto pilot would take the aircraft to Beijing and land on the set runway, no questions asked. Which means somebody was manipulating the controls as was planned or directed. Common sense, eh?

h) Pressurisation failure at a very slow rate may have conked off the passengers and crew due to the lack of oxygen which is another speculation. When pressurisation has leaks, a certain rate when crossed will be indicated in the cockpit first as a caution and then as a warning. When the cabin pressure rises to above ten thousand feet of atmospheric pressure, there is a solid warning with deployment of all oxygen masks in the cabin. As the air conditioner and the pressurisation system keeps pumping air into the cabin, the lack of oxygen due to a small leak is not a valid contention. Whatever happened was consciously done by sane people.

The geo-political scenario might have dictated such a drama. The main players seem to be China, Russia, Iran, Myanmar, Korea, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, and the USA. This scribe came across a write-up on the Internet on the US Navy's possession of LaWS. It is a very strong laser gun, which is needed to be demonstrated to subtly warn Mr. Putin of Russia, the Chinese and the Indians. When it comes to the bin-Laden case and drones, Pakistan has been taken care of. They needed a guinea pig and this flight served the purpose. This scribe does not fully subscribe to it, because digital signals were received util about 08:11 a.m., the laser gun could not have puffed it off the air and get digital signals from thin air for almost five hours. This is rubbish! Whosoever organised this drama must have involved several countries as part of under-the-table deals. Only time will tell what really happened.


a) What did the controllers do after the A/C turned away from its route and the transponder was switched off?

b) Why was Malaysian Search and Rescue looking for the A/C in the wrong place for three days?

c) Why did China show a fictitious A/C and claim it was the ill-fated A/C?

d) Why do the American sources of CNN like to be anonymous for trivial info?

e) The CNN seems to be groping and projecting fictitious reasons to give the matter a dimension with things like the pilot had a flight simulator in his house, (my son has one for fun) and A/C downed itself in the oceans or seas. Two Iranians with false passports, Jonti Ross, a female passenger from a 2011 flight from Phuket to KL... One has to be Orkubaley to decipher the origin of the mumbling transmission. What a ridiculous approach is that? If the contention of pressurisation failure is correct and all souls on board were unconscious, then the A/C would fly on the auto pilot till fuel was exhausted and then crash. But that has not happened. If the auto pilot was not engaged, then the A/C should have crashed earlier and the whole world would have gotten the signal from the ELT.

Let us all mark time for the time being for the whole story to unfold - facts will possibly never see the light of the day - and sadly so, at the cost of innocent lives. In other words, "lives have no meaning or value in the field of politics." How solacing is that to live in such an educated world?

Capt. SM Nasimul Haque (retd) is a

former president of the Bangladesh

Airline Pilots Association.

[email protected]

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