Getting rid of zombies, making ADP implementation smooth
The public investment programme namely the Annual Development Programme (ADP) constitutes more than 95 per cent of development budget of Bangladesh. ADP projects are undertaken with an objective to facilitate private investment, promote economic growth, create employment opportunities and alleviate poverty. But if the desired results or benefits from a...
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Kashmir conundrum: A possible way out
Pakistan was carved by the British out of the womb of a kicking and screaming Subcontinent. The surgeon fled the scene before the umbilical cord could be cut. Brother turned against brother. The Punjab became awash in blood as millions were uprooted and thousands raped and killed in both sides...
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When politics trumps economics
With each passing day, it becomes increasingly evident that US President Donald Trump's administration cares less about economics and more about the aggressive exercise of political power. This is obviously a source of enormous frustration for those of us who practise the art and science of economics. But by now,...
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