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Search date: 27-06-2018 Return to current date: Click here

Ordeals on Dhaka-Ctm Highway

The construction of the veritable dream highway connecting Dhaka with Chattogram has met a number of basic requirements of the regular travellers. Two years on, with the use of the road in full swing, a few infrastructural gaps still remain to be filled. True, the 4-lane highway has cut people's...

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Need for authentic data on foreign workers

The fact that as much as $5 billion gets remitted from the country annually by foreign nationals is no big surprise, but what in reality is more than a surprise is that a bulk of the expat professionals live and work in the country without proper authorisation. Although the government...

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Where is the pivotal tool in ADP implementation?

ADP implementation patterns over the years in our country have had almost similar contours. Resolute words to hit the ground running without a matching steady start; gathering pace towards end of first quarter and, a momentum built into the second and third quarters. Then gaps between the physical and financial...

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UK EC's efforts to save democracy

The Guardian published a report on June 26, 2018 titled 'UK democracy under threat and reform is urgent, says electoral regulator'. It was mentioned that the electoral commission (EC) of the United Kingdom urged government authorities including parliament to change electoral laws. Following the Cambridge Analytica investigation, the EC urged...

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Steps required against erosion of Jamuna river

Prior to the arrival of monsoon, the dread of people living near Jamuna river reaches its peak as the river erosion takes away homesteads and croplands every year. Last year, at least 12 homesteads and vast areas of croplands were claimed by river erosion in a single night. People of...

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US departure from UNHRC

The United States withdrew its membership from the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), after cancelling its membership from UNESCO last year. Since becoming the President of the USA, Donald Trump has taken many controversial decisions. But this was most likely one of his most controversial ones. The Trump administration...

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Respect, love, and care for elders

The United Nations designated June 15 as the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. It is the one day of the year when the whole world voices its opposition against the abuse and suffering inflicted on senior citizens. In our country, we have 16 million people who are over 60 years...

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