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Search date: 02-07-2018 Return to current date: Click here

Accelerating digitisation of trade finance industry

Technology is bringing changes in the logistics, nature of products, products delivery channels and documentation process in trade and trade services. A number of participants ranging from shipping company, freight forwarder, local delivery agents, banks, exporters, insurance company and banks and other financial institutions are taking part in the transaction...

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You came here and yet it feels like you never did

When people are frustrated with their stars they need ways to vent their annoyances. Some numb themselves and avoid the topic. That is not a healthy way. You must take a hard look at it anyway and try to channel your frustration in a decent manner. If you stuff your...

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Trump's trade war and Bangladesh

President Donald Trump had long been warning that the USA would impose higher tariffs on selected imports from its major exporters like China, the European Union (EU), and India. He has now carried out the threat against China, the European Union (EU), Canada, Mexico and India who have also retaliated...

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