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Search date: 04-12-2018 Return to current date: Click here

G20 summit calls for WTO reform

The G20 two-day annual Summit (November 30 and December 01) held in Buenos Aires, Argentina is the 13th meeting of the group which is supposed to promote a liberal international economic order and ensure monetary and financial stability.But challenged by protectionism and escalating trade disputes, G20 apparently deviated from its...

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President Obrador's security plan disappoints civil society in Mexico

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who took office on December 01, outlined his security plan on November 15. "Setback" and "disillusionment" were the terms used by Yolanda Morán, a mother whose son was the victim of forced disappearance, to describe the security plan outlined by the president-elect "We are...

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Electoral process: Preempting election hackers

The election interference tactics originally deployed by Russia against the United States and Europe are now global. Hackers across the democratic world have exploited weaknesses in campaign email servers; probed electronic voting machines for vulnerabilities; set up troll farms to spread highly-partisan narratives; and employed armies of bots to distort...

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