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Search date: 15-09-2019 Return to current date: Click here

Special Economic Zones in Bangladesh: A reappraisal of approaches

Very prudently the government has adopted the policy of developing Special Economic Zones ((SEZs) ) across the country to tap potentials for productivity, and to create jobs for millions. SEZs are now widely regarded as massive investment in industrial infrastructure to attract and facilitate foreign investment, integrate local firms into...

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An update on the Gulf situation

As of now two opposing coalitions in the Middle East define the rivalry that in fact threatens to tear down the Middle East apart. As competition for dominance increased over the last one decade between Iran's network of state and non-state, including Hezbollah of Lebanon and a coalition of Saudi...

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Robert Mugabe and his legacy: A mixed one

Robert Mugabe died on September 06 in Singapore after a long illness. He was 95. He was one of those leaders who emerged in the period between the late 1940s through to the early 1980s and were celebrated as national liberators. But Mugabe is a sort of a personality who...

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