Plight of widows: How to mitigate their sufferings
Widowhood is second only to losing one's child in terms of psychological trauma. Although inevitable, nothing can prepare a married woman for the shock of losing her intimate companion and a pillar of support. Where the late husband used to be the bread earner, the financial shock is enormous. For...
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Direct payment boost for local freelancers, remote workers
Bangladesh is slowly establishing itself as a powerhouse in the digital skills market, a detail evident through a growing number of small software firms and expert professionals who work for a global clientele. Unlike few years ago, when people mostly worked on freelancing platforms, there are now remote workers, consultants...
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Fortune smiles on Sweden, Belgium and England
Again, VAR (Video Assis-tant Referee System) intervention is generating debates! VAR is replacing one sort of controversy with another.As you watch video replays in slow motion, at whatever frequencies you choose, it will always be a subjective interpretation of the viewer at the end of all the video reviews. To...
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